About Us
Our mission Statement
FIRST believes all people have the right to participate in and contribute to society. FIRST strives to meet the needs of individuals, improve quality of life, focus on ability, promote community awareness and acceptance, empower people with disabilities, their families and indeed the whole community to address in a positive manner disability related issues.
Our Vision
FIRST Service provide quality individualised support, development and training for people living with a disability. FIRST is a positive leader within the NDIS by providing quality, user friendly information and support to our members. We ensure the delivery of quality services through staff development and training that supports the best possible outcome for our members.
FIRST Service provides meaningful training opportunities across a wide range of interests that are realistic, achievable and fun. We also provide meaningful community engagement opportunities. All of this is done within a friendly, inclusive and fun environment, ensuring members are comfortable and involved.
FIRST Service assists members to achieve their individual goals and objectives through community participation and social training.
We ensure the delivery of a quality service consistent with the Mission Statement. We encourage each individual to have the choice of a range of activities and enhance the delivery of a quality service.

Service for our members
Our service is member driven, from input at Management Committee level, through to input through the Members Consultative Committee and individual feed-back.
Each member works to a support plan that is tailored to their needs and wants. Members, families, caregivers and staff provide input into the plan that is upgraded annually. The support plans are adjusted to suit the members progress more frequently if required.

Our Centres
27 Kelly Street, Eagleby: Purpose built and spacious premises that are fully wheelchair accessible. Members have their own shade house, arts space, wheelchair accessible gardens, computer room and sensory room. There is also access to the nearby Fryar Road Community Centre, which is a huge space ideal for music and/or larger events and the Fryar Road Community Gardens.
Unit 36-38, 17 Cairns Street, Loganholme: An ideal pre-vocational centre located in a commercial area with local businesses. It has a training room available for face to face learning, as well as three large working spaces for various projects. Home to the FIRST Shop displaying handmade arts, crafts and creations from our members.
58 Highland Way, Upper Coomera: Our newest centre opened January 2023. Offering a wide range of centre-based programs focusing on skill development, social and community engagement. Located as part of The Well community centre this centre has so much opportunity with access to a fully commercial kitchen, art studio, music studio, function hall and so much more.